gging_on' => false, 'notify_animate_hide' => true, 'notify_animate_show' => false, 'notify_div_id' => '#cookie-law-info-bar', 'notify_position_horizontal' => 'right', // left | right 'notify_position_vertical' => 'bottom', // 'top' = header | 'bottom' = footer 'notify_message' => addslashes( '
' ), 'scroll_close' => false, 'scroll_close_reload' => false, 'accept_close_reload' => false, 'reject_close_reload' => false, 'showagain_background' => '#fff', 'showagain_border' => '#000', 'showagain_text' => addslashes( 'Manage consent' ), 'showagain_div_id' => '#cookie-law-info-again', 'showagain_tab' => true, 'showagain_x_position' => '100px', 'text' => '#333333', 'use_colour_picker' => true, 'show_once_yn' => false, // this is a new feature so default = switched off 'show_once' => '10000', // 8 seconds 'is_GMT_on' => true, 'as_popup' => false, // version 1.7.1 onwards this option is merged with `cookie_bar_as` 'popup_overlay' => true, 'bar_heading_text' => '', 'cookie_bar_as' => 'banner', 'popup_showagain_position' => 'bottom-right', // bottom-right | bottom-left | top-right | top-left 'widget_position' => 'left', // left | right ); $settings_v0_9 = apply_filters( 'wt_cli_plugin_settings', $settings_v0_9 ); return $key != '' ? $settings_v0_9[ $key ] : $settings_v0_9; } /** Returns JSON object containing the settings for the main script REFACTOR / DEBUG: may need to use addslashes( ... ) else breaks JSON */ public static function get_json_settings() { $settings = self::get_settings(); // DEBUG hex: // preg_match('/^#[a-f0-9]{6}|#[a-f0-9]{3}$/i', $hex) // DEBUG json_encode - issues across different versions of PHP! // $str = json_encode( $slim_settings, JSON_HEX_TAG | JSON_HEX_APOS | JSON_HEX_QUOT | JSON_HEX_AMP ); // Slim down JSON objects to the bare bones: $slim_settings = array( 'animate_speed_hide' => $settings['animate_speed_hide'], 'animate_speed_show' => $settings['animate_speed_show'], 'background' => $settings['background'], 'border' => $settings['border'], 'border_on' => false, // $settings['border_on'], 'button_1_button_colour' => $settings['button_1_button_colour'], 'button_1_button_hover' => ( self::su_hex_shift( $settings['button_1_button_colour'], 'down', 20 ) ), 'button_1_link_colour' => $settings['button_1_link_colour'], 'button_1_as_button' => $settings['button_1_as_button'], 'button_1_new_win' => $settings['button_1_new_win'], 'button_2_button_colour' => $settings['button_2_button_colour'], 'button_2_button_hover' => ( self::su_hex_shift( $settings['button_2_button_colour'], 'down', 20 ) ), 'button_2_link_colour' => $settings['button_2_link_colour'], 'button_2_as_button' => $settings['button_2_as_button'], 'button_2_hidebar' => $settings['button_2_hidebar'], 'button_3_button_colour' => $settings['button_3_button_colour'], 'button_3_button_hover' => ( self::su_hex_shift( $settings['button_3_button_colour'], 'down', 20 ) ), 'button_3_link_colour' => $settings['button_3_link_colour'], 'button_3_as_button' => $settings['button_3_as_button'], 'button_3_new_win' => $settings['button_3_new_win'], 'button_4_button_colour' => $settings['button_4_button_colour'], 'button_4_button_hover' => ( self::su_hex_shift( $settings['button_4_button_colour'], 'down', 20 ) ), 'button_4_link_colour' => $settings['button_4_link_colour'], 'button_4_as_button' => $settings['button_4_as_button'], 'button_7_button_colour' => $settings['button_7_button_colour'], 'button_7_button_hover' => ( self::su_hex_shift( $settings['button_7_button_colour'], 'down', 20 ) ), 'button_7_link_colour' => $settings['button_7_link_colour'], 'button_7_as_button' => $settings['button_7_as_button'], 'button_7_new_win' => $settings['button_7_new_win'], 'font_family' => $settings['font_family'], 'header_fix' => $settings['header_fix'], 'notify_animate_hide' => $settings['notify_animate_hide'], 'notify_animate_show' => $settings['notify_animate_show'], 'notify_div_id' => $settings['notify_div_id'], 'notify_position_horizontal' => $settings['notify_position_horizontal'], 'notify_position_vertical' => $settings['notify_position_vertical'], 'scroll_close' => $settings['scroll_close'], 'scroll_close_reload' => $settings['scroll_close_reload'], 'accept_close_reload' => $settings['accept_close_reload'], 'reject_close_reload' => $settings['reject_close_reload'], 'showagain_tab' => $settings['showagain_tab'], 'showagain_background' => $settings['showagain_background'], 'showagain_border' => $settings['showagain_border'], 'showagain_div_id' => $settings['showagain_div_id'], 'showagain_x_position' => $settings['showagain_x_position'], 'text' => $settings['text'], 'show_once_yn' => $settings['show_once_yn'], 'show_once' => $settings['show_once'], 'logging_on' => $settings['logging_on'], 'as_popup' => $settings['as_popup'], 'popup_overlay' => $settings['popup_overlay'], 'bar_heading_text' => $settings['bar_heading_text'], 'cookie_bar_as' => $settings['cookie_bar_as'], 'popup_showagain_position' => $settings['popup_showagain_position'], 'widget_position' => $settings['widget_position'], ); // $str = json_encode( $slim_settings ); /* DEBUG: if ( $str == null | $str == '') { $str = 'error: json is empty'; } */ return $slim_settings; } /** Returns sanitised content based on field-specific rules defined here Used for both read AND write operations */ public static function sanitise_settings( $key, $value ) { $ret = null; switch ( $key ) { // Convert all boolean values from text to bool: case 'is_on': case 'is_reject_on': case 'is_eu_on': case 'logging_on': case 'border_on': case 'notify_animate_show': case 'notify_animate_hide': case 'showagain_tab': case 'use_colour_picker': case 'button_1_new_win': case 'button_1_as_button': case 'button_2_new_win': case 'button_2_as_button': case 'button_2_hidebar': case 'button_3_new_win': case 'button_3_as_button': case 'button_4_new_win': case 'button_4_as_button': case 'button_7_new_win': case 'button_7_as_button': case 'scroll_close': case 'scroll_close_reload': case 'accept_close_reload': case 'reject_close_reload': case 'show_once_yn': case 'header_fix': case 'is_GMT_on': case 'as_popup': case 'popup_overlay': case 'thirdparty_on_field': case 'third_party_default_state': case 'ccpa_enabled': case 'button_6_as_link': case 'ccpa_region_based': case 'ccpa_enable_bar': if ( $value == 'true' || $value === true ) { $ret = true; } elseif ( $value == 'false' || $value === false ) { $ret = false; } else { // Unexpected value returned from radio button, go fix the HTML. // Failover = assign null. $ret = 'fffffff'; } break; // Any hex colour e.g. '#f00', '#FE01ab' '#ff0000' but not 'f00' or 'ff0000': case 'background': case 'text': case 'border': case 'showagain_background': case 'showagain_border': case 'button_1_link_colour': case 'button_1_button_colour': case 'button_2_link_colour': case 'button_2_button_colour': case 'button_3_link_colour': case 'button_3_button_colour': case 'button_4_link_colour': case 'button_4_button_colour': case 'button_7_link_colour': case 'button_7_button_colour': if ( preg_match( '/^#[a-f0-9]{6}|#[a-f0-9]{3}$/i', $value ) ) { // Was: '/^#([0-9a-fA-F]{1,2}){3}$/i' which allowed e.g. '#00dd' (error) $ret = $value; } else { // Failover = assign '#000' (black) $ret = '#000'; } break; // Allow some HTML, but no JavaScript. Note that deliberately NOT stripping out line breaks here, that's done when sending JavaScript parameter elsewhere: case 'notify_message': case 'bar_heading_text': case 'ccpa_content': case 'ccpa_gdpr_content': case 'gdpr_content': $ret = wp_kses( $value, self::allowed_html(), self::allowed_protocols() ); break; // URLs only: case 'button_1_url': case 'button_2_url': case 'button_3_url': case 'button_4_url': case 'button_7_url': $ret = esc_url( $value ); break; // Basic sanitisation for all the rest: default: $ret = self::wt_cli_clean( $value ); break; } if ( ( 'is_eu_on' === $key || 'logging_on' == $key ) && 'fffffff' === $ret ) { $ret = false; } return $ret; } public static function wt_cli_clean( $var ) { if ( is_array( $var ) ) { return array_map( 'self::wt_cli_clean', $var ); } else { return is_scalar( $var ) ? sanitize_text_field( $var ) : $var; } } public static function get_non_necessary_cookie_ids() { global $wpdb; $args = array( 'post_type' => CLI_POST_TYPE, 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'suppress_filters' => false, 'meta_query' => array( array( 'key' => '_cli_cookie_sensitivity', 'value' => 'non-necessary', ), ), ); $posts = get_posts( $args ); if ( ! $posts ) { return; } $cookie_slugs = array(); if ( $posts ) { foreach ( $posts as $post ) { $cookie_slugs[] = get_post_meta( $post->ID, '_cli_cookie_slugid', true ); } } return $cookie_slugs; } /** * Color shift a hex value by a specific percentage factor * By * Adapted by Richard Ashby; amended error handling to use failovers not messages, so app continues * * @param string $supplied_hex Any valid hex value. Short forms e.g. #333 accepted. * @param string $shift_method How to shift the value e.g( +,up,lighter,>) * @param integer $percentage Percentage in range of [0-100] to shift provided hex value by * @return string shifted hex value * @version 1.0 2008-03-28 */ public static function su_hex_shift( $supplied_hex, $shift_method, $percentage = 50 ) { $shifted_hex_value = null; $valid_shift_option = false; $current_set = 1; $RGB_values = array(); $valid_shift_up_args = array( 'up', '+', 'lighter', '>' ); $valid_shift_down_args = array( 'down', '-', 'darker', '<' ); $shift_method = strtolower( trim( $shift_method ) ); // Check Factor if ( ! is_numeric( $percentage ) || ( $percentage = (int) $percentage ) < 0 || $percentage > 100 ) { // trigger_error( "Invalid factor", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } // Check shift method foreach ( array( $valid_shift_down_args, $valid_shift_up_args ) as $options ) { foreach ( $options as $method ) { if ( $method == $shift_method ) { $valid_shift_option = ! $valid_shift_option; $shift_method = ( $current_set === 1 ) ? '+' : '-'; break 2; } } ++$current_set; } if ( ! $valid_shift_option ) { // trigger_error( "Invalid shift method", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } // Check Hex string switch ( strlen( $supplied_hex = ( str_replace( '#', '', trim( $supplied_hex ) ) ) ) ) { case 3: if ( preg_match( '/^([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])/i', $supplied_hex ) ) { $supplied_hex = preg_replace( '/^([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])([0-9a-f])/i', '\\1\\1\\2\\2\\3\\3', $supplied_hex ); } else { // trigger_error( "Invalid hex color value", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } break; case 6: if ( ! preg_match( '/^[0-9a-f]{2}[0-9a-f]{2}[0-9a-f]{2}$/i', $supplied_hex ) ) { // trigger_error( "Invalid hex color value", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } break; default: // trigger_error( "Invalid hex color length", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } // Start shifting $RGB_values['R'] = hexdec( $supplied_hex[0] . $supplied_hex[1] ); $RGB_values['G'] = hexdec( $supplied_hex[2] . $supplied_hex[3] ); $RGB_values['B'] = hexdec( $supplied_hex[4] . $supplied_hex[5] ); foreach ( $RGB_values as $c => $v ) { switch ( $shift_method ) { case '-': $amount = round( ( ( 255 - $v ) / 100 ) * $percentage ) + $v; break; case '+': $amount = $v - round( ( $v / 100 ) * $percentage ); break; default: // trigger_error( "Oops. Unexpected shift method", E_USER_ERROR ); return $supplied_hex; } $shifted_hex_value .= $current_value = ( strlen( $decimal_to_hex = dechex( $amount ) ) < 2 ) ? '0' . $decimal_to_hex : $decimal_to_hex; } return '#' . $shifted_hex_value; } /** Returns list of HTML tags allowed in HTML fields for use in declaration of wp_kset field validation. Deliberately allows class and ID declarations to assist with custom CSS styling. To customise further, see the excellent article at: */ public static function allowed_html() { $allowed_html = array( // Allowed: ... // Not allowed: ... 'a' => array( 'href' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'title' => array(), 'target' => array(), 'rel' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'b' => array(), 'br' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'div' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'em' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'i' => array(), 'img' => array( 'src' => array(), 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'alt' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'p' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'span' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'strong' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), 'label' => array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ), ); $html5_tags = array( 'article', 'section', 'aside', 'details', 'figcaption', 'figure', 'footer', 'header', 'main', 'mark', 'nav', 'summary', 'time' ); foreach ( $html5_tags as $html5_tag ) { $allowed_html[ $html5_tag ] = array( 'id' => array(), 'class' => array(), 'style' => array(), ); } return $allowed_html; } /** Returns list of allowed protocols, for use in declaration of wp_kset field validation. N.B. JavaScript is specifically disallowed for security reasons. Don't even trust your own database, as you don't know if another plugin has written to your settings. */ public static function allowed_protocols() { // Additional options: 'ftp', 'ftps', 'mailto', 'news', 'irc', 'gopher', 'nntp', 'feed', 'telnet' return array( 'http', 'https' ); } /** * Check if GTM is active **/ public static function cli_is_active_GTM() { if ( in_array( 'duracelltomi-google-tag-manager/duracelltomi-google-tag-manager-for-wordpress.php', apply_filters( 'active_plugins', get_option( 'active_plugins' ) ) ) ) { return true; } } /* * * Patch script while updating versions */ public static function cli_patches() { $options = self::get_settings(); // ========bar as widget=========@since 1.7.1 if ( $options['cookie_bar_as'] == 'banner' && $options['as_popup'] == true ) { $options['cookie_bar_as'] = 'popup'; $options['as_popup'] = false; $options['popup_showagain_position'] = $options['notify_position_vertical'] . '-' . $options['notify_position_horizontal']; update_option( CLI_SETTINGS_FIELD, $options ); } // ========reject button missing issue=========@since 1.6.7 $message_bar_text = $options['notify_message']; // user turned on the reject button with his previous settings if ( isset( $options['is_reject_on'] ) && $options['is_reject_on'] == true ) { if ( strpos( $message_bar_text, 'cookie_reject' ) === false ) { $pattern = get_shortcode_regex(); if ( preg_match_all( '/' . $pattern . '/s', $message_bar_text, $matches ) ) { $shortcode_arr = $matches[0]; foreach ( $shortcode_arr as $shrtcode ) { if ( strpos( $shrtcode, 'cookie_button' ) !== false ) { $options['notify_message'] = str_replace( $shrtcode, $shrtcode . ' [cookie_reject]', $message_bar_text ); $options['is_reject_on'] = false; update_option( CLI_SETTINGS_FIELD, $options ); break; } } } } else { $options['is_reject_on'] = false; update_option( CLI_SETTINGS_FIELD, $options ); } } // ---------reject button missing issue------------ // bar heading text issue @since 1.6.7 $bar_version = '1.6.6'; $bar_heading_version = get_option( 'cli_heading_version' ); if ( $bar_heading_version != $bar_version ) { if ( isset( $options['bar_heading_text'] ) && $options['bar_heading_text'] == 'This website uses cookies' ) { $options['bar_heading_text'] = ''; update_option( CLI_SETTINGS_FIELD, $options ); update_option( 'cli_heading_version', $bar_version ); } } } /** * Check whether JS blocking is active or not * * @since 1.8.9 * @return bool */ public static function wt_cli_is_js_blocking_active() { $js_blocking_enabled = false; $js_option = self::get_js_option(); if ( $js_option === true && ! self::is_divi_enabled() ) { $js_blocking_enabled = true; } return apply_filters( 'wt_cli_enable_js_blocking', $js_blocking_enabled ); } /** * JS blocker will be disabled by default for existing customer * * @since 1.8.9 * @return bool */ public static function check_for_upgrade() { $plugin_settings = get_option( CLI_SETTINGS_FIELD ); if ( $plugin_settings === false ) { $transient_value = get_transient( '_wt_cli_first_time_activation' ); if ( $transient_value === false ) { set_transient( '_wt_cli_first_time_activation', true, 30 ); } return true; } return false; } public static function maybe_first_time_install() { $maybe_first_time = false; $activation_transient = wp_validate_boolean( get_transient( '_wt_cli_first_time_activation' ) ); if ( $activation_transient === true ) { $maybe_first_time = true; } return $maybe_first_time; } /** * Return js options * * @since 1.8.9 * @return bool,string */ public static function get_js_option() { $js_option = false; $js_option = get_option( 'cookielawinfo_js_blocking' ); if ( isset( $js_option ) && $js_option === 'yes' ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Check whether DIVI builder is active or not * * @since 2.0.4 * @return bool */ public static function is_divi_enabled() { return isset( $_GET['et_fb'] ) ? true : false; } }