What To Expect When Your Adult Child Goes To Rehab

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What To Expect When Your Adult Child Goes To Rehab

There are many benefits to staying in a sober-living home, including attending 12-step programs, creating structure, accountability, and creating a sober fellowship. A big part of staying in a sober living home is creating positive friendships that help to reinforce the desire to abstain from drugs and alcohol. It’s easy for your loved one’s battle with addiction to become all-consuming. But you’ll find it easier to cope with a difficult situation when other areas of your life are rewarding.

helping your son who is now in a sober house for drugs

For instance, do you believe your child might have other co-morbid mental health issues such as depression or anxiety? Seek a program that has the capacity to address mental health disorders as well as addiction. Many wonder what the difference is between addiction and substance abuse. While both can be harmful, substance abuse occurs when a person consumes alcohol, illegal or legal drugs in ways and amounts they should not. This might mean using drugs or alcohol to ease stress or taking pills without a prescription, for example.

Take it one day, perhaps one minute, at a time

”, and sometimes, your child might be reluctant to get help. Have him meet with a family therapist who can explain the process, field any concerns, and encourage him to participate. Oftentimes, getting educated about family therapy can ease their apprehensions and convince them to join. When you stop enabling, your son will be forced to see the consequences of his actions and has the chance to truly recognize how his drinking affects both his life and others.

To succeed in your recovery, it’s important that you abide by them. There may be bumps along the way, such as relapses or broken promises, but multiple relapses and treatment episodes will erode trust—sometimes permanently. According to a national study, there are approximately 20 million people in the United States with a substance use disorder. And of those, 9% have recovered from or resolved an alcohol or drug problem.

It’s Better to Talk Before Children Are Exposed to Alcohol and Other Drugs

In addition, almost all sober living facilities have a set fee, and most require the resident to get a job in order to pay for his or her own stay. Also, assuming the facility is 12-step based, most require regular attendance at AA or NA meetings, and most have a nightly curfew. The majority of sober living facilities also require resident addicts to contribute to the household by doing chores and cleaning their own living spaces.

  • The more ACEs a child experiences, the more at risk they are for developing SUD at some point in their life.
  • This will set you both up for success and avoid pain and conflict down the road.
  • However, it can be difficult to tell what your financial support is funding.

Also, be sure that when you do talk, you are in a comfortable place where there is no risk of being overhead. And be sensitive to the fact that kids often assume that no one knows what happens in their home. So, make sure you answer all their questions openly and honestly.

Overcoming Drug Addiction

Let them know that you are concerned about them, but avoid being judgmental or lecturing. Ask your child questions and give them space to respond honestly. Listen and avoid condemning their responses or cutting them off.

Remind your child that they are loved and you are here to offer them help for their addiction when they are ready. Your adult son or daughter struggling with addiction will need emotional support in recovery, starting with yours. One way you can support them is to sit with them and research different treatment programs to see which options best suit their individual needs.

Risks and Downsides of Sober Living Homes

If relapse persists, consider co-occurring disorders which might negate your teen’s ability to engage recovery without counseling and/or psychiatric evaluation. It gets harder to deal with this once your child turns 18. Right now, maintaining recovery is as big an accomplishment sober house as any. Placing more importance on anything else is stress that your teen might not need for a while. Encourage your teen to resume education and work activities at his or her own pace. Recommend physical exercise, lots of water, sleep and healthy food.

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